Session 8: Developing Listening and Speaking Skills through Digital Storytelling

The first part of my story is about my personal background, the most influential people in my life, i.e. my teachers and the reason why I chose to be a teacher.

The second part of my story is about the conversation between me and a student I met two years ago. His name’s Johnny, He came from a single-parent family, just like me, and he had very low ability. He was asked to stay after school doing his homework in the staff room every day. One day, he came to my seat and asked me to teach him to do a particular question. He crossed his original answer and wrote the one I taught him. Later on, I found out that his family was too poor to get him a new eraser because his jobless grandma needed to save money in order to buy some diapers for his granddad. The next day, I gave a new eraser to Johnny and said a few words to encourage him.

I have chosen this story to tell because I need to remind myself of the reason I wanted to a teacher.


Photo story (A story about an eraser):

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